Do you want a peaceful, successful homeschool but instead feel overwhelmed and unproductive? Do you want to enjoy homeschooling and have fun but instead spend many of your days in a power struggle over schoolwork? Are you burnt out trying to balance all your responsibilities and figure it all out on your own? It’s time to try a new way… God is calling your family to step into His peace; even on those days you’re worried your kids aren’t learning anything, you’re trying to remember why you chose to homeschool and you just want a minute to yourself. You can partner with Jesus to build a homeschool that enables your family to truly thrive! In this podcast, you’ll learn simple routines to create the structure YOU need to be effective as a homeschool mom and that YOUR KIDS need to create healthy habits around learning. You’ll learn effective parenting strategies to help you build strong relationships and you’ll learn how to dig into scripture and apply biblical wisdom to all that God has called you to do. Hi, I’m Brandy. I’m an apprentice of Jesus, a wife, a homeschool mom to two fun (and crazy) boys, a teacher, an encourager (and whatever else Jesus may call me to do!) And, I know your struggle! For years, I was overwhelmed by all the choices I needed to make for my family and homeschool. I was drowning in all the things I was expected to do. I was stressed, and it showed in my lack of patience. Even though I was always with my kids, I felt like I was missing out on connecting with them and having fun because my worries kept me from being present. I wanted a change but no matter what I tried things stayed the same. I searched Facebook and Google seeking the best homeschool schedules, answers for behavioral issues, and ways to get my kids to actually like learning, only to be let down when our problems weren’t solved. I finally realized that I was overlooking the most important source of help - our Savior. I thought I trusted God and leaned on His understanding, but I was striving to find solutions on my own, without seeking His guidance and wisdom. The burden felt so heavy! After years of struggling, I finally realized there is only one who truly has the answers I need for my children, my family, and my soul - Jesus. And if I wanted to find solutions that worked for our family, I had to seek Him first and let Him lead the way. Step by step, He revealed amazing plans that were so much better than what I could have imagined! Now, I teach homeschool moms, like you, to partner with Jesus to transform your days from unproductive and unstructured to intentional and peaceful. God has good plans for your family! It’s time for a revival! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms Email: Brandy@thenourishedmom.com Learn More --- TheNourishedMom.com
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
It's so easy to get caught up in the doing and moving and lose sight of our vision and purpose for homeschooling...
That's when things tend to get stressful; When we lose our motivation; When we feel unbalanced; When our kids get resistant and the fun and wonder of homeschooling dwindles.
But God has a specific purpose and plan for your family. And when we step into His plan, we step into His goodness and we find true enjoyment in our work as homeschool moms.
Today we're diving into 4 Steps to help you reclaim your homeschool and build a life that you love for God's glory.
We're talking homeschool routines, habits and goals that will help your family find balance and thrive.
If you are ready to build a sustainable, strategic routine to solve that thing you are struggling with right now book your ROUTINE STRATEGY COACHING CALL HERE https://TheNourishedMom.as.me/
Learn more about Routine Strategy Coaching here https://www.thenourishedmom.com/work-with-me
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you how to create strategic routines and habits so you can balance ALL of your responsibilities as a busy homeschool mom.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Routines, Homeschool, Time Management, Christian Mom, Habits, Schedules
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Do you ever look back at end of the day and wonder what the heck you did all day?! You felt busy, you were running around, but somehow you have nothing to show for it… The laundry isn't finished, the dishes are still in the sink, you didn’t get one-on-one time with the kids or your husband... WHAT IS HAPPENING!?
Well, what's happening is that you don’t have a strategy to tackle the things. Without a strategy you're constantly getting distracted – you pick up a little here, throw the laundry in but never switch the load, answer some texts but never press send, do some dishes but there's still some in the sink - AHH!
You're bouncing from one thing to next, trying to keep up, without really finishing anything. Today, that is going to stop!
We're talking about a time management strategy to help you manage your tasks & time effectively and STAY FOCUSED... Routine Blocking! It's a strategic form of Time Blocking that I use with homeschool moms to help them to find balance and get the things done.
When you're focused you'll have the capacity to do the things you need to do, the things you want to do AND the things God has been calling you to do.
If you are ready to build a sustainable, strategic routine to solve that thing you are struggling with right now book your ROUTINE STRATEGY COACHING CALL HERE https://TheNourishedMom.as.me/
Learn more about Routine Strategy Coaching here https://www.thenourishedmom.com/work-with-me
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you how to create strategic routines and habits so you can balance ALL of your responsibilities as a busy homeschool mom.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Routines, Homeschool, Time Management, Christian Mom, Habits, Schedules
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough as a homeschool mom?
You have all these plans and ideas to make learning fun, to pour into your relationships, to help your kids succeed and to grow as a family...
But somehow your days get filled and time passes and you never did those things that were on your heart, that you felt like you should be doing.
Today we're talking about how you can step out of the mom guilt and instead let God lead the way as you homeschool your kids.
And I've got a strategy to help you do it!
Listen in to learn 6 steps to create a strategic routine that will help you lean into all that God is calling you to. We're talking time management, balance and God inspired vision.
If you know God has more for your family and you're ready to step into His goodness book your ROUTINE STRATEGY COACHING HERE https://TheNourishedMom.as.me/
Learn more about coaching w/ Brandy https://www.thenourishedmom.com/work-with-me
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you how to create strategic routines and habits so you can balance ALL of your responsibilities as a busy homeschool mom.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Routines, Homeschool, Time Management, Christian Mom, Habits, Schedules
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Keeping up with all of your responsibilities as a homeschool mom can be a STRUGGLE! Between homeschool lessons, laundry, dishes, and kids it can all be too much!
I get it! That's why this week we're talking about 10 Time Management hacks for homeschool moms. It's time for you to finally get caught up and feel balanced (and maybe even find some time for rest.)
With a little strategy you can find balance, create effective routines and stay focused to get the things done.
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you how to create strategic routines and habits so you can balance ALL of your responsibilities as a busy homeschool mom.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Routines, Homeschool, Time Management, Christian Mom, Habits, Schedules
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
When you decided to homeschool what did you envision?.. Hikes through the woods learning about God's creation; Cuddling up on the couch reading good books...
You probably didn't envision all the nagging and drama around getting a little work done! Nobody likes to be a nag, but it seems if we aren't constantly on their case they would never do their homeschool work or get their chores done.
Although nagging might work in the short run, it doesn't address the deeper issue. It doesn't teach accountability or responsibility, things that we all hope to teach our children.
It's time to ditch the nagging and start using time management techniques that cultivate healthy habits to foster responsibility and productivity.
Today you'll learn 4 steps that will help you create new routines and habits that will change your homeschool days!
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Do you resist the idea of a schedule? I get it, you don't want to be controlled by a list of things to do!
But, maybe you're starting to realize that your days could use a little more structure.
Maybe having a schedule stresses you out because it's just one more demand you can't live up to and you feel defeated when it never goes as planned.
Today, you're going to learn how to find balance between structure and flexibility. You'll learn how to get the best of both worlds!
We're talking 3 strategies to create a schedule that will help you get the things done but that's flexible so you're not tied down.
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Renew Your Mind Monday!!!
As Moms, we're all trying our best to create peaceful joyful homes. We do our best to reduce arguments, foster strong family relationships, and structure our days so they run smoothly and reduce chaos... we feel so much of this work falls on our shoulders and we strive to do it all on our own.
But that is not God's plan for us.
He wants to be our guide, our source of knowledge and wisdom. But often we're afraid, resistant or too stubborn to go where he is calling.
This week I share a word that the Holy Spirit spoke to me about radical change, radical obedience and stepping out in faith.
God has amazing plans for your family. It's time to step into all the goodness that God has for you. It's time to step out in faith and go where He is calling you.
I hope this message will encourage you this week to have the faith and courage to make that change that God has put on your heart.
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Sometimes kids can be a little overwhelming...
They can seem too loud, too ungrateful, too selfish, too needy.
But sometimes when you're kids are driving you crazy it has little to do with what they're doing and more to do with you.
Today we're talking about 4 physical imbalances that are making you more stressed, less patient, more irritable, and sensitive.
So before you start blaming it on the kids, check this episode out to see if one of these reasons is causing you to be a little too sensitive lately. AND learn effective solutions.
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Renew Your Mind Monday!!!
We all have triggers that cause us to lose our cool. Certain situations can trigger anger or feelings of mom rage.
But God can use it for good! (Yes, even those moments you totally lost it and acted like a fool!)
Those very things that trigger you will be the things that God uses to mold you into the mom you were created to be.
The Holy Spirit can use your triggers to reveal deep-rooted issues of the heart that need to be addressed.
Today we're talking about 4 intentional steps you can take to use your triggers as a catalyst for change. You'll hear real, relatable examples, practical steps and lessons from Numbers 20.
2 Corinthians 3:18 "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another."
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Summer is in full swing. The kids are home and you're enjoying vacations, beach days, and play dates. All is good... Except your house is getting messier by the day and it's starting to stress you out. Ahh!
It can definitely be harder to keep up with the mess in the summer when you're out of your normal routines and habits.
But, no worries! I've got one, quick habit for you that will help you keep up with the daily messes while still leaving time for all that summer fun - the QUICK CLEAN HABIT
In today's episode you'll learn 3 steps to implement your own QUICK CLEAN HABIT to keep your house looking tidy no matter what your summer looks like.
Grab the FREE ‘Nourished Necessities’ workbook to help you take the first steps to less stress and overwhelm and more joy and peace. Step into your nourished life! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/nourished-necessities-workbook/buy
Grab your free AFFIRMATIONS OF A NOURISHED MOM poster, filled with truths to get your mind right! https://thenourishedmom.podia.com/affirmations-for-a-nourished-mom/buy
Connect with like-minded mamas in The Nourished Moms Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenourishedmoms
It’s my mission at The Nourished Mom to teach you strategies and tools to develop mindsets, habits and routines that will nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the mom stress and cultivate more joy and peace.
Get Ready… Get Set… Get NOURISHED!